Élet a Seadream Yacht Club hajójának fedélzetén-10. rész
Élet a Seadream Yacht Club hajóján-11. rész
2015.11.27.„My contract was quite awesome. I was working onboard Queen Mary 2. First I started working at the Buffet but after 1 month the Maidtre d said I’m good, I shold learn more so he put me in the Buffet Alternative dining. But at that time, the management chose me to take part in the companys 175 years celebration. So I was at the Liverpool Cathedral representing the company by carrying the Hotel Managers that while he was carrying the Boston Cup in the celebrational concert. Besides of this I was photographed with the captain for the next years Cunard magazines and commericals. After 2 months the management put me in the Todd English Mediteran Restaurant because of my good reputation. I was working there almost the end of my contract. In the last month the management chose me again to greet Princess Anne The Royal Highness who visited QM2 because of charity reasons. In the last week the management put me in the Britannia Restaurant I finnished my contract there.
So 170 Days, 1700 Working hours, 6 Countries, 6 Uniforms, 1253 Crew, 2592 guests. It was quite an awesome year for me. I can honestly say the time of my life.
Best Regards,